Demon's Souls is a very challenging, yet rewarding game. Before you master the first level, you will already have around 30 deaths on your save. If you do not cheat, by the end of the game your death count will surely be around 500.
I really like RPG's, because of the amazing story. For some reason, this game did not satisfy my needs when it comes to story. I didnt get it at all, it was either too complicated, or too simple, forcing me to think about it. Obviously the more I think about it, the more my brain makes it complicated so it goes above human understanding. You are simply thrown right into action as the game starts, since you are in something that seems to be a castle dungeon, and you get attacked by a boss right away. Obviously, you die and are taken to a place called the Nexus where all of the NPC's are waiting just to rip you off. Right after the tutorial (yes, being killed by a boss is part of the tutorial) you go to the first of the five worlds, to regain your body by killing a demon. Getting to the demon, though, is no easy task! You must first prove your worth by opening the demon's gate, which is opened by penetrating two towers and cutting the chains. I assure you, you will get around 20 deaths opening the gate in the first level. Once you defeat the first demon, you will be taken back to the Nexus, where the black maiden tells you to see the monumental, who you would expect to be a huge statue, but no its a little girl sitting with other dead "monumentals". The monumental tells you the story and why you must defeat all the demon's, and then the story simply stops being told after that point. Now you have access to all five worlds to complete at your will. But this game is not for the weak, I rage quit in the second stage of the first world after getting 50 deaths and wasting 7 hours at a single checkpoint. I did go back to the game eventually though, and finished it.

The gameplay of the game is where it's at, the gameplay is simply awesome. Demon's Souls is an action RPG game, with very unique online. Let me take a moment to explain the online. This game's online does not have lobbies, or even voice chat. if you are connected to the internet, you are forced to play the game online, you cant say no. Players help eachother out by placing signs on the ground, either telling you something is a trap, warning you about a boss and telling you his weakness, or even simply trolling you by telling you there is a hidden path but in reality you are simply going to fall. Players can also place a sign to be summoned, and help other players with the game. If you successfully help someone, you get to keep all the souls (currency) and are reverted back to human form. Being in human form grants you more health, and you are able to summon others to help you. That is not always a good thing though, since you can be attacked by black phantoms, who are bloodthirsty players just waiting to rob you of your precious souls and humanity.
Souls are the game's everything. They are both money, and XP. You can either chose to buy nice armor and a good sword, or level yourself up, tough choice. Oh, did I mention every time you die, you lose all your souls? yeah, that happens. It feels awful when you are carrying 100,000 hard earned souls and out of nowhere you die and cant get back to your body to reclaim them.
Personally, I would only recommend this game to the HARDCORE PS3 gamers, those who are willing to go through a lot of mental suffering and broken controllers just to get the awesome feeling of satisfaction when you defeat a boss for the first time. It is a great game, but half of the people that play it will rage quit on the second level like I did. Don't get me wrong, I did eventually go back to the game two years after my rage quit and finished it, and it was really rewarding. I wish I could go back in time and experience Demon's Souls again for the first time. There is still Dark Souls, but that game is not as good as Demon's Souls, and it is a LOT harder! I've been stuck on the same level for 2 months now... I think im just gonna rage quit that and go back to playing Demon's Souls
Rating: 8/10
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