Monday, June 4, 2012

Zelda: Link's Awakening DX Review

Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

   Zelda Link's Awakening DX is a remake for the Gameboy Color of a game originally released for the original Gameboy. I have honestly never played the original version, but from what I heard, DX includes a secret dungeon, and of course, it is in color. 


   The game starts with Link waking up in a house on an island, and he doesn't know how he got there. He is given his shield, and you are put right into the action.. the only problem is that you do not have a sword yet. Link goes to the beach, where he finds his super awesome sword which he uses to slay all enemies. Although you may think you are alone, unlike in the new Zelda games, there is no fairy to accompany you. There is however a friendly owl that tells you where to go next during the key events of the game, such as getting a key to enter a dungeon, and when leaving the dungeon. There are also owl statues that are placed around dungeons to help you out on your quest, but sadly they speak in riddles and are often hard to understand. About half way through the game I just stopped reading what the owl statues had to say, since they often made no sense at all. Other than the owl, there is also a man who likes to chat on the phone. There are many "houses" with a telephone sign on them spread around the island, and they only have a telephone in them. You use the telephone to call the old man, who tells you where to go next, and really helps you on your adventure. The man is located in the first village where you start, but if you go to his house he is very shy and asks you to leave. 
   As I stated above, there is a secret dungeon that is called, the "Color Dungeon". The reason it's called that, is because you can only complete it on a Gameboy Color. The dungeon mostly consists of color based puzzles. Sadly, the challenge was not too great and I was able to complete that dungeon in around 30 minutes. The dungeon does have 3 bosses, but I only found one of them to be challenging. The reward for completing that dungeon is far to great for the difficulty, since you get either Red clothes, which double your strength, or Blue clothes, which double your defense. 

   The game is very big, especially considering it's a gameboy/color game. The map is also huge, and takes some time to complete. This Zelda title is very fun, and has a lot of Mario references, such as a Yoshi doll, or even after completing a side quest, you get to see a picture of Princess Peach doing the "duckface" which is very strange for the early years. The dungeons are pretty difficult, and so are the bosses. Some bosses require a lot of strategy to defeat. 

   I picked this game up for 6$ on the 3DS store, and I am really glad I made the purchase. The game is very fun, very challenging, and of course, pretty long to complete! If you have the money and a 3DS, get this game from the store. If you dont have a 3DS, the game should be pretty cheap on ebay for the gameboy considering you still have one. 

 Rating: 9/10

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